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SCIROCCO Exchange Knowledge Management Hub – Experience of users

The focus on user-centred design and users’ needs, wants and limitations has always been a foundation and aspiration of development of SCIROCCO Exchange Knowledge Management Hub. The experience of stakeholders with the Hub has been systematically captured (in the form of focus group meetings) and analysed to inform its future potential use. Some of the key observations from stakeholders are provided below and the full report on stakeholders’ experience in 9 SCIROCCO Exchange regions can be accessed in Resources.

“A considerable number of projects are in place. Innovation processes are structured. Nevertheless, information and knowledge sharing is necessary with the entire population to share the change. The SCIROCCO Exchange tool can facilitate this dialogue and knowledge sharing.” Puglia Region, Italy.

The self-assessment has enabled us to reflect on the situation in which we find ourselves regarding the implementation of integrated care in the Basque Country. There is still a work to be done, but we are on the right track. Basque Country, Spain.

“It was nicely surprising, the level of enthusiasm of the participants during the discussion facilitated by the SCIROCCO Exchange tool, as was their eagerness to combine both health and social care. What was less surprising, is that the awareness of the local health and social care professionals still has a long way to go” Flanders, Belgium.

“The SCIROCCO Exchange methodology helped our young care organisation a lot to set priorities for change. After Covid-19, I see that the digital assessment approach of the project will have a pronounced benefit for other organisations looking for a tool for internal reflection.” Optimedis, Germany.

EU Co-Funded
SCIROCCO Exchange project © 2024 All Rights Reserved.
The project SCIROCCO Exchange is co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement 826676 (Chafea)
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