2 November 2020
Newsletter Article - Adapting the SCIROCCO Exchange Maturity Assessment Model for Demand Driven Innovation as part of The ACSELL project (Accelerating SME innovative capacities with the Living Lab approach)
At the end of October 2020, the SCIROCCO Exchange team contributed a short article to the European Connected Health Alliance Newsletter
The focus of this article was to highlight the work which the team have been doing as part of the ACSELL project. The objective of the project is to sensitise the public sector, innovation intermediaries and SMEs towards expanding SME competences by promoting open innovation ecosystems and integrating the user early in their innovation process with a (interregional) living lab approach. One of the unique aspects of the ACSELL project is activity to map the current situation with demand-driven innovation in the participating regions, using a newly developed adaption of the online self-assessment SCIROCCO Exchange Tool.
Different perspectives were expected between organisations and sectors but, interestingly, different perspectives have also been highlighted within organisations and teams regarding the maturity assessment dimensions in the SCIROCCO Exchange Tool.