2 February 2021
Goal-Oriented Care webinar - Knowledge Exchange with Flanders
In January 2021 we started a series of knowledge exchange webinars which are open to SCIROCCO Exchange partners and other interested colleagues to join.

The first of these is on the topic of Goal Oriented Care. Facilated by our Flanders partners, we were joined by Reini Haverals, Researcher at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at Ghent University and Dagje Boeykens, from the Primary Care Academy - Ghent University. Almost 40 people joined the webinar session.
The speakers gave us an in-depth insight into the concept of goal-oriented care and highlighted how this approach is being applied in two pilot projects just starting in Ghent. We had a very useful discussion and also started to consider which dimensions of the SCIROCCO Exchange Tool have particular relevance and would lend themselves to adaptation. The recording of this webinar is available to view here.