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Maturity Assessment Process

Kosice is one of the eight administrative regions of Slovakia. With a population of almost 800,000 citizens, the healthcare system is based on statutory health insurance. A basic benefit package; universal population coverage; a competitive insurance model with selective contracting; and flexible pricing are core elements of this system. About 80% of healthcare spending in the Slovak Republic (SR) is publicly funded. Since 2014, the Slovak healthcare system is in a process of adopting new strategic planning framework which aims to ensure integrated outpatient care. Currently, there is a fragmentation of outpatient healthcare and excess demand for inpatient healthcare. The main goal of integrated care in the region is to: A) improve efficiency by strengthening primary care, and B) reduce reliance on the specialised care and hospital sector. Continue reading . . . .

Knowledge Transfer

Informed by the outcomes of maturity assessment on strengths and weaknesses in integrated care at regional level (Kosice self-governing region) and national level (Slovakia), dimensions were identified as priorities for the knowledge transfer for both coaching and improvement. The overall aim of knowledge transfer and capacity-building activities was to raise awareness about the importance of the concept of integrated care in Kosice self-governing region and/or in Slovakia. Continue reading . . . .

Improvement Planning

Regional partner focused on building capacity of stakeholders on integrated care in the
Kosice Self-Governing region. Partners focused on conducting a needs assessment to best
understand stakeholders’ relationships and gaps, then on providing trainings, educational
material, digital tools, and lastly on dissemination of knowledge in the form of academic
articles and conference attendance. Continue reading . . . .

EU Co-Funded
SCIROCCO Exchange project © 2024 All Rights Reserved.
The project SCIROCCO Exchange is co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement 826676 (Chafea)
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