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Puglia Region

Maturity Assessment Process

The region of Puglia, in the south eastern part of Italy, has a population of 4.3 million citizens, and experiences many familiar health and care challenges. These include: ageing, long term illness, including: vascular, respiratory, cancer and diabetes. In 2015, 40% of the population were identified as living with a long term condition.

The maturity assessment process was fully conducted in Italian and comprised two stages:

a) individual self assessment, completed by each appointed stakeholder with one-to-one support upon request; and
b) a consensus workshop, delivered to each Puglia LHA office with all the stakeholders face-to-face. Continue reading . . . .

Knowledge Transfer

Informed by the outcomes of maturity assessment on strengths and weaknesses in integrated care in Puglia, dimensions were identified as priorities for facilitating knowledge transfer for coaching or improvement. Knowledge transfer and capacity-building activities were conducted in Puglia region including a participatory webinar, analysis of training opportunities and Development of Memorandum of Understanding.

As a result of these activities the following achievements can be highlighted:

  • Stakeholders have completed their one-year Master Programme developing new skills and knowledge.
  • A working group with one stakeholder from each LHAs coordinated by AReSS has been planned with an objective to create a network at regional level in order to launch and coordinate actions for future projects.
  • Cultural and organisational impact with tangible outcomes to be foreseen in medium to long-term. Continue reading . . . .

Improvement Planning

Regional partner(s) defined the improvement objective as “To improve integrated care in
the region by capacity building with a special focus on EU Project/fundraising/and team
building of the Puglia local health authorities.” Regional partner identified financial
resources as a common need across all regions and utilised the logic model construction
process as an opportunity to map out how building regional capacity in grant-writing can
improve financial reserve to better strengthen integrated care progress. Continue reading . . . .

EU Co-Funded
SCIROCCO Exchange project © 2025 All Rights Reserved.
The project SCIROCCO Exchange is co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement 826676 (Chafea)
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