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Digital Infrastructure


Integrated care requires data-sharing across diverse care teams. It leads progressively to systems that enable continuous collaboration, and the measurement and management of outcomes. This means building on existing digital care infrastructure in new ways to support integration and augmenting them with new capabilities such as enhanced security and mobility. The task can be made easier if the number of different systems in use, and the formats in which they exchange and store data, can be simplified.

  • ‘Digital-first’ policy (i.e. move face-to-face communication to digital services to reduce dependence on staff and promote self-service).
  • Availability of essential components (ICT infrastructure) to enable data-sharing.
  • Consolidation and standardisation of ICT infrastructure and solutions; fewer technical integration points to manage; interoperability and procurement.
  • Data protection and security designed into patient records, registries and online services.
  • Enabling new channels for healthcare delivery and new services based on advanced communication and data processing technologies.

Assessment Scale

There is no digital infrastructure to support integrated care.
There is a recognition of need but there is no strategy and/or plan on how to deploy and standardise digital infrastructure to support integrated care.
There is a mandate and plan(s) to deploy regional/national digital infrastructure, including a set of agreed technical standards, across the health and social care system, but it is not yet implemented.
Digital infrastructure to support integrated care are piloted but there is not yet region-wide coverage. A set of agreed technical standards exists to enable shared procurement of new systems; some large-scale consolidations of ICT are underway.
Digital infrastructure to support integrated care is deployed widely at large scale but is not used by all stakeholders involved. A unified set of agreed standards is published; many shared procurements of new systems have been performed; shared services are widely deployed.
Universal, at-scale regional/national digital infrastructure used by all stakeholders involved exists. A unified and mandated set of agreed standards is fully incorporated into procurement processes; the systems are fully interoperable; and use of shared services (including the cloud) is normal practice.
EU Co-Funded
SCIROCCO Exchange project © 2025 All Rights Reserved.
The project SCIROCCO Exchange is co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement 826676 (Chafea)
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